We’ve been under a “wind advisory” all day today. Gusts up to 50 miles an hour were to be expected. Along with the cold temperatures, the wind chill has been in the teens all day. Pleasant? Perhaps invigorating? Not by any stretch of the imagination!
I was awakened by the wind about 1am. The howling, screaming noise of the wind, punctuated by the groaning and banging of the attached greenhouse did nothing to lull me back to sleep. An errant snowstorm also blew in overnight. As the day dawned slowly, we struggled to “get in gear”. The wind blew out internet connection, so we spent the early hours trying to find a rhythm to our disrupted day.
Cold, windy days here on the hill make it impossible to get any outside work done. The biting wind, with a little snow mixed in for good measure, made morning chores rather unpleasant. The sheep and chickens don’t particularly appreciate this kind of weather, either.
The morning DJ on my favorite radio station posted a Facebook message that perhaps everyone should put rocks in their pockets so they wouldn’t BLOW away! Of course he was joking, but here on the hill…blowing away seems a distinct possibility.
Even the animals hunker down on windy winter days.
For our part, the Boss and I managed to get some stuff done. We’re picked and packed and ready for our winter sales delivery to town in the morning. However, it’s cold and windy and fighting the urge to hibernate has been a constant battle.
The wind should die down sometime tonight. Despite the frigidly cold forecast for the weekend and the upcoming precipitation, we hold on to the thought…
…it’s only 67 days ‘til Spring!
I hope!
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