Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunday Walkabout 12-29

the willow down front looks like it's on an island

Here we are…the final Sunday of 2013.  …and it is raining…again. 

We have had SO many dark and rainy days this year that it’s fitting that the final “walkabout” of the year should be impacted by inclement weather.  

This week wasn’t one of gorgeous views or amazing sights, but rather the mundane and routine things of farm life. We had a few computer issues that caused more than a few meltdowns complete with a lot of sighing and bad words.  A prolonged period of “internet-less-ness” didn’t help anything, but after a few new installations and more than one re-start…it looks like we’re good to go.

The ewes got a few days closer to their due dates, there was growth in the hoophouses (although nearly imperceptible to the untrained eye) and the rains came and went and came again. Gus continued to keep us amused (or frustrated) with his goofy puppy antics.

ewes enjoying a little "al fresco" dining
with a mountain view

We’ve planned the gardens for 2014, ordered tomato seeds, bunches (and bunches) of onion plants and 7 batches of broiler chicks to start arriving in April. (we’ll buy the first batch at the local farm store in late February or early March) I even ordered layer chicks for fall shipment in anticipation of 2015! (that’s farming…always thinking ahead) The processing dates are secured with the butcher (seems a little overly optimistic since the first lamb hasn’t been born…but, just another example of living by faith) I need to do a seed inventory and the BIG seed order soon.  Maybe I’ll get that finished tomorrow.

Gus finally made it to the top of the hay pile
(before Thursday's hay hauling)

We took a little walk through Staunton after we finished our sales deliveries yesterday.

Every time I walk around downtown, I understand why Staunton wins all sorts of travel awards.  You should visit…really…even if it’s only virtually.  

We’ve reviewed last year’s successes and failures, made notes as to how to repeat the first and avoid the second. New projects have been discussed and planned…and we await the New Year with anticipation.

But, since it is a rainy, gloomy Sunday…I think Tess has the right idea.

Here’s hoping you have some place warm and comfy for a little cat nap…

and that you can enjoy a very

Happy Sunday!

 ...until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Lets hope 2014 is slightly less mucky...
    Tess looks so happy. Forest is lying on the couch in the same position right now! lol
