Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Sincere Apologies to Flatt and Scruggs

Back on January 8, 2007, in a little sheep shed in the hills of Highland county, a litter of puppies was born.
 One of those little fur-balls would go on to be “Jed” of Homestead Hill.  Here is a little more about our farm dogs. While I am really not one for celebrating dog-birthdays, this seemed the perfect time to post this.

If you hadn’t figured it out by now, our dogs are named for the Clampetts.  Yes, of Beverly Hillbilly fame. Jed and Ellie Mae.  There was some reason for this, although the reason is long forgotten.  But, for years the Homestead Hill version has been knockin’ on the corners of my brain.

I guess it is just testament to how tired and weird I get during lambing season…no..that would be an everyday occurrence…but…I really couldn't help myself.

Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs…I truly apologize! 

Okay,now, boys, cue the banjo, guitar and fiddle! If for some reason you don’t know WHAT in the world I am talking about, watch this first!

“ come and listen to a story ‘bout a dog named Jed
…poor, ole Pyr…just a-lookin’ for a bed.
Then one day he was walking thru the barn…
…why, lo and behold there was sumthin’ warm!
(hay, that is…orchard grass, alfalfa…SHEEP food)

Next thing you know, ole Jed’s just nappin’ you-know-where
When Mama hollers …“Jed! You get outtaa there!
So, ole Jed headed out and he found himself a spot
And as you can see he is there a lot.
(Asleep…of course, anywhere ...any time)

(this could go on ad infinitum…but, it’s really hard to be this bad!)

Well, now it’s time to say good-bye to Jed and all his friends
‘cause this is where my awful song suddenly jes ends....

"You’re all invited back again to this locality
To have a heapin’ helpin’ of their hospitality.
Hillbilly that is. 
Set a spell. 
Take your shoes off…"

        Y’all come back now!…ya hear?

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