There are those who would have you to think that REAL FARMERS jump right into their work boots at first light and work hard (in those boots) until well past dark. At which point, they collapse, still wearing those boots. Somehow, they are able to do this day in and day out.
Sorry to burst anyone’s bubble….but that just ain’t happenin’ here on the hill. And I will take on anyone who would even suggest that we are not REAL farmers!
While we do our fair share of hard work, with or without our workboots, that level of labor just isn’t sustainable in our world. We begin our workday before light many days, and often are still working after supper. Sometimes, there are jobs that keep us going far longer than we might have planned.
We get dirty….REALLY dirty.
We get sweaty…REALLY sweaty.
But, we also know that we have to pace ourselves.
As it is our plan to farm this land until the Good Lord calls us home at a “ripe old age”, we want to find a level of labor that we will be able to maintain for the duration. It is also our desire to enjoy what we do for a living…never finding it a constant source of drudgery and irritation.
Sometimes, that means we take a break. Sometimes, we sit down on the porch, enjoying the peaceful view. Sometimes we knock off early and take off our boots. Sometimes, we do something truly out of the ordinary (for us).
Today, it meant we went out to lunch!
Since our very necessary trip to the dump took us in the general direction of W’boro…and I was truly in need of a peach milkshake (they are only available for a very limited time...and they are SO DELICIOUS!) Tom decided we needed a lunch trip to Chik-fil-a. Now, that’s a good boss!
We weren’t “off the clock” all that long. We discussed farm stuff while we ate. When we got home, he returned to mowing and I went back to the greenhouse to start more seeds. Perhaps most importantly, the pile of mess in front of the barn was taken away to the dump!
To take a little break was fun. Lunch was good, and it was nice not to have to eat leftovers. We feel renewed and ready to go back to work.
…and the memory of the peach milkshake will keep me motivated for a long time.
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