When your make your living by direct marketing produce from the land, you do NOT want to see this…
as the forecast for the one day you have to make your living. Do you see that....? 1.96 INCHES! Yikes!
Rain is NOT our friend on Saturday mornings between 5am and 1pm.
Any other time, we love rain. We pray for rain. But, Saturdays we constantly pray for rain-free selling times. It does not look like this Saturday will be what WE wanted.
As soon as the dismal forecast was posted, the phone calls began. As the manager of the Saturday market, Tom has the responsibility of keeping track (somewhat) of the vendors. Many don’t want to take the chance with the weather; some have products that can’t withstand wind or torrential rain. Others are fearful that the customer flow will not be enough to warrant their trip to town.
While we are not thrilled with the forecast, and have discussed various options, we will be headed out first thing in the morning regardless of the weather. It’s our livelihood, we have no other option.
So, if you’re heading out…we’ll be there! Bring your umbrella and your hip waders, the lettuce will be waiting!
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