Summer is in full swing here on the hill.
Then we processed broilers. Check out my new knife.
Not many women can say they have a hand-made knife...with their initials on it. Papaw Wally and Miss Eva came to visit us at the Market and brought me this as a gift. Wally fashioned it from an old bandsaw blade and it is SHARP. Cool, huh? It's hard to believe that fifteen years ago we only thought of them as some nice older folks that sold ham biscuits at the Market. Today, my girls count them as part of the family...surrogate grandparents. Thanks, Wally and Eva!
Oh, and the great for broiler processing!
Next, we moved the broilers from the brooder to the pasture. I've lost track of the batch number...
Then, the next batch arrived at the Post Office. It always astounds me that the chicks hatch, get popped into a box, dispatched in the mail and arrive here in less than 48 hours.
A little sip of water, some fresh feed and they are off and scurrying around. You can almost watch them growing.
We did a little harvesting...
The first cucumbers...
...and my personal favorite....
New potatoes! We should have potatoes for Market this coming week. (provided the predicted heavy rains don't wash us away)
The lambs seem to appreciate the late week paddock shift. They were up to their eyeballs in fresh grass. Quite literally!.JPG)
It's been a beautiful June...after a little rest and relaxation today (and a little unexpected bean picking)...
We'll be ready to tackle July.
Thanks for stopping by...
Happy Sunday!