Sunday, November 5, 2017

Sunday Walkabout 11-5

You know, tension can be a good thing.

Under the right conditions, the stretching action, otherwise known as tension, can build body strength, create literary interest and be a useful tool for engineering. On the other hand, tension in human relations makes for some difficult times.

And, to say that we’ve been experiencing a bit of tension around here might be a major understatement...

Ever since July, we have been anticipating the Boss’ next post-cancer surgery MRI. The one that would tell if those things that “lit up” on the last one were of serious concern. If you missed that whole saga, read these.

In the meantime, we went through the motions. We got our farm and garden work done.

odd pink light at daybreak (no filter)

sheep on fall clean-up

what is this?
some sort of alien life form?

Girlfriend found a patch of burdock

she's COVERED in it!

the other sheep seem perplexed 

We even took our annual “fieldtrip” over the mountain for a little leaf-peeping, local apples and the Boss’ “birthday lunch”.

pretty ride over the mountain

do you see why
a disabled tractor trailer closed down the whole road?

birthday lunch
at Wild Wolf

near Piney River

pretty red maple leaves

Rockfish Gap

more Rockfish Gap

But, all the while, the thought of that upcoming scan was lurking in the corners of our minds. But, not in our conversations.

He tends to go all “John Wayne” and shut down when he feels that his emotions might get the best of him. Me, I babble on and on, hoping there’s an answer or insight in the multitude of words. But, John Wayne was winning this one. We weren’t going to talk about anything that wasn’t positive. And, we couldn’t attempt any future plans.

So, we were at an impasse until he finally admitted just how nervous he was. Which didn’t happen until the day before the scan. He was incredibly anxious and trying to prepare himself for the worst.

That left me in the odd position of being the positive one, the voice of reason. Since we’d already faced getting scary news unexpectedly, I figured we had already run the emotional gamut. Surely, things would be all right. It was just a matter of faith, right?

But, then, there was the unsettling possibility that I was being overly optimistic. (and I hesitated to voice that concern) The impasse continued...the tension built.

Monday morning found us heading over the mountain in the dark once more. The boss silently driving, and me babbling. (trips over the mountain in the dark trigger memories of that awful night in ’10, and I talk even more...but, at least it was a distraction from the scary thoughts)

The trip over the mountain was uneventful. But, there had been a windstorm in the night that had knocked out power to the area. When we arrived, the imaging clinic was struggling to get everything back on-line. Numerous employees had been unable to make it to work, so the schedule was backed up. That left little time for the Boss to get some breakfast before we needed to be at the clinic for his appointment with the surgeon. (as you probably know, you aren’t allowed to eat before medical tests...hence the early morning appointment)

MRI scan completed, breakfast eaten, parking place secured, we were astonished when the elevator doors opened to a crowded waiting room. Since the clinic was running behind as well, we sat for quite a while. Tension began to build again.

When the doctor finally breezed in, it was immediately clear that the news was good. As a matter of fact, he was so confident in the good news that he scheduled the next scan for SIX months instead of three.

It was as if the weight of the world lifted from the Boss’ shoulders. His relief was visibly evident.

he didn't realize I photographed the moment of relief

That was a great birthday present!
(yes, the scan was indeed done on the Boss’ birthday---which just added to the tension)

Life has been pretty anti-climactic after that.

We received some much-needed rain.
rainy Sunday on birch leaves

bad weather moving through

after the rain

a closer look at the view above
3 white-tail deer out for a morning stroll

rainy leaves in the backyard

certainly looks like November

another day of rain!

We hauled the last load of lambs to the processor without incident or difficulty.

you never know what you might see on the interstate
this time...a one-legged skeleton on the back of a big rig!

The Boss harvested the last of the fall potatoes and got them stored in the reefer for winter sales. I realized that this is the first time in over 20 years that I have not played an integral part in potato harvest.  

And, I do love potato harvest!

(I’ll just have to wait for next year)

We’re down to just two more Market days for the season.

10-28 market

11-4 Market
SO glad for the upcoming the time change!
(it is TOO dark) now we can be in count-down mode for my upcoming surgery. We had a second consult with the doctor to answer questions and allay fears. He makes it sound so easy. Now we’re just waiting for the hospital to call with the exact time. This time next week I should feel like a different woman. (here’s hopin’!)
last of morning glories behind the barn

If you missed it earlier in the week, I’m working on a series focusing on gratitude. Check it out here. here. Look for another post this Thursday.

Thanks for reading along.  And, a special thanks for all the love and prayers for the Boss!

Hope you’re having a Happy Sunday! 

lots of "gumballs" on the gum tree up on the lane

Come back and “visit” us again real soon.

You can view the Boss’ Market shots here:


  1. I realized I was holding my breath until I got to the part of your post where we found out the Boss was o.k. Now I can breath again. Hang in there until your surgery. You'll feel so much better once it's over and you're healed and you hear your good news. -Jenn

  2. Barbara - you're post allowed me to share every emotion with you as it happened. A privilege to be part of you and the boss's journeys into medical twilight zone. I'm so glad that the Boss is doing well and I am sending all positive energy your way for your surgery, and we'll all be right here with you during your recovery. Kris

    1. Thanks for reading, Kris!
      I truly appreciate your encouragement on this journey.

  3. Absolutely the best news. And wishing a speedy recovery for you!

  4. What a great relief for you both with such good news after the MRI. Now you will be in my thoughts all week for your surgery and I hope a very easy recovery.
    It is lovely seeing your photos of autumn color. It has been pretty drab here. I think, due to a very dry August and September and then our great storm last week bringing down a lot of the leaves.
    Here's wishing for everything on the upside for you now.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Cheryl!
      They mean the world to me.
