oh, little apple blossoms... I fear you will never become apples |
March came in like a lion, bringing high winds and “meteorological
Spring” (March 1 is Spring according
to weather folk)…and ironically some of the coldest temperatures we’ve
experienced in a while, along with snow flurries. Go figure.
sunshine at the mailbox snow flurries at the house on the hill |
While the change in weather brought some much-needed
moisture, of course that was followed by WIND. We were spared any catastrophic
effects (there were reports of tornadoes, downed trees and power outages around
the state) except for one of the big trees out front.
In past years, we’ve had the hoophouses full of greens by
this point. It’s looking pretty barren down there right now and it's going to be pretty slim pickin’s for Opening Day of the Market on April 1st.
this is seriously depressing... |
Not only has the weather been
uncooperative, we’ve been fighting rats. Seriously, rats. Who would have expected THAT? They’ve tunneled in from
outside and chewed holes in every single water-line, not to mention eating some of the
greens. (honestly...rats that want to "eat healthy"?) The Boss went on the war-path, setting all sorts of traps. They seem to
be working, so we will try planting some stuff in the upcoming week and see
what happens. (fingers crossed)
damaged t-tape (irrigation line) |
We have to get the hoophouse issue solved, not just because
our livelihood depends on vegetable sales, but it’s also time to start more
seeds and I’m running out of room in the greenhouses. But, we couldn’t take the
chance with the cold snap damaging the tiny transplants, so they stayed put for
a bit longer. Despite 20* as an overnight low, the little seedlings stayed warm
and toasty in the greenhouse under cover.
the thermometer read 70* even though it was 20* outside |
It looks like the weather has
moderated, so guess what’s on the agenda for the upcoming week…?
And, lamb-watch continues. (I’m really beginning to wish I hadn’t
bred the ewe lambs…this is taking FOREVER)
I had seen some indications of early labor at chore time, so
I went back around 2 am for another check.
I saw some little feet and figured
everything was “copasetic” ...and things would move quickly from that point.
I was wrong.
Lambing season has been somewhat “challenging” this year. I
do not exaggerate when I say nothing has gone quite like I thought it would.
…and this night was going to prove to be the rule rather
than the exception.
the aftermath the Boss said I probably shouldn't include this photo... |
When I tell the tragic stories, I hope you don’t think
that’s what happens every single time. Don’t get the idea that we have nothing
but problems, because the successes far out-number the losses. I don’t tell these stories so you’ll think
we’re stupid or in need of further information. Nor, do I share as a way to
“humble-brag” when we’ve overcome serious difficulties. And, I most definitely do
not tell you so you’ll feel sorry for us or get the impression that this life
is just too hard and miserable.
No, I tell them because we need to know the “rest of the
story” (remember that Paul Harvey series?)
Often those pretty pictures on social media are reached only
after we’ve either slogged through the slough
of despond or traversed the valley of
the shadow or trekked hill difficulty. Occasionally it has been a combination or
something far more sinister, The getting there is sometimes the most important
part of the story. That’s my real reason for sharing.
By recording the hard times, we come to a greater
appreciation of the blessings. And, that encourages a spirit of gratefulness.
Well…now…that sounded far too much like the beginning of a
...back to my story…
After a quick trip to the house for fresh batteries for my rapidly dimming
headlamp, I settled in to wait and watch.
There was an old ewe who kept bothering the mother-to-be.
For some reason, this particular sheep has become hyper-focused on newborns. So
much so that we had to lock her in a stall alone so she would leave the last
lamb alone and allow the mother to care for it. She was acting up again, so in
my head I started composing a blog post about this “dingbat doula sheep” as I
waited. My reverie was cut short when her actions became so disruptive to the
other ewe that I had to bop the ovine nursemaid in the nose with the flashlight
and run her out of the barn. I finally gave the whole bunch some hay in hopes of
reducing the chaos. Thankfully, things calmed down after that.
Mother-to-be was struggling. Something wasn’t right, but
there was no way to check her without some sort of assistance (and doula-sheep
was clearly not a good candidate). So, it was off to the house to wake the
Boss. I truly hated to do this, but…no one promised shepherding would be
When we got back, she was on her side, stretched prostate
and motionless. Not a good sign at all. The Boss got her back on her feet and
held her steady so I could investigate the situation. What I found certainly
didn’t bode well…for any of us.
Those little feet…weren’t so little. And, they weren’t front
feet like they should be. They were rather large back feet, with a little lamb tail tucked in between. The lamb was
coming backwards. Except it was too big to come on its own. It was pretty well
wedged in the birth canal. I think I swore at that point. (there would be a
fair amount of bad words said in the interim)
Since it was mis-presented, it was up to me to re-position
it. As I attempted to manipulate it, I realized it was very long and one of its
front feet was tucked up underneath it. I got the foot straightened out, but, I
couldn’t do anything about the size and the other front foot kept hanging up on
mama sheep’s pelvic bone. I jiggled it, massaged it…tried everything I could…I
even tried pushing the entire lamb back in and starting over. (I have had success
with all of these maneuvers in the past) I worked for at least an hour. Mama sheep collapsed on the floor, bleeding
profusely. Now I was stuck with my arm inside the sheep, lying on my back,
staring at the cobwebs on the barn ceiling by the light of my headlamp and one
thought became perfectly clear.
It wasn’t coming out. Nope. No way.
It was time to make a judgement call…the decision that I
hate to make. It was obvious that the sheep was going to die. There was not
even a remote chance of recovery. More than likely the lamb was already dead. But,
mama-sheep was obviously suffering and in pain, we couldn’t let it go on any
longer. She would have to be put down.
As I came to this realization, I could feel a small, steady
heartbeat under my hand that was still deep inside the ewe. The lamb was alive!
I shared this information with the Boss.
We looked at each other. Even though mama-sheep would die
(and it was just a matter of WHEN, not IF) we would have to try to save the
After the Boss put her down, I cut into her, performing a
hasty (rather haphazard) post-mortem C-section, and pulled the lamb out. He was not
particularly huge (about 10 pounds) but he was quite long (about 21 inches from
head to tail) …and he showed almost no will to live. (considering the trauma he
had been through for the past two hours, this was no real surprise) We rubbed him
off, gave him a dose of colostrum gel and a shot of Bo-se (this is a mineral
supplement that we give all lambs shortly after birth). But, he had absolutely no strength. A newborn lamb should be
trying to stand and nurse within moments of birth and he was just lying there,
moaning slightly. When I tried to rouse him, he stayed limp and nearly
motionless. Since he had so little sucking reflex, I didn’t even try to give
him any milk.
![]() |
new-born lamb delivered by post-mortem Cesarean section |
Convinced the entire event was going to be a failure, I was
completely worn out and totally bummed. I left the lamb under a heat lamp covered
with a towel. His motionless form and pathetic little moans offered no hope of
a miracle. I figured we would bury him in the morning with the ewe. The Boss
tried to cheer me up, saying “you know you did everything you could…”
But, still.
We had put an enormous amount of effort into that failed
birth experience. (I was about to discover muscles I didn’t even know I had!) And,
it was going to be a total loss. Two hours from my initial trip to the barn, I
was washing the blood, birth goo and sheep poop out of my hair. (the shower
even needed cleaning afterwards) We both fell into exhausted sleep and all too
soon it was morning again.
I slipped down to the barn, hoping to see some sign of life.
But, no. Nothing.
Choretime meant bottles for the bigger lambs, so I was
getting them situated at the lamb bar when I thought I heard/saw something.
Across the barn, from under the blanket in the jug pen, came
a little sound. The blanket moved slightly and a little lamb face peeked out.
“Lazarus” had returned from the dead.
I couldn’t believe it. The Boss couldn’t believe it. It
didn’t seem possible.
He couldn’t stand properly. I couldn’t tell if I had somehow
injured his rear legs irreparably in the traumatic delivery sequence. He had to
have his head held to even attempt to drink the bottle. But, he was indeed
alive. And, he was HUNGRY!
That was Wednesday.
He doesn't look like much (but, Tess enjoyed the heatlamp) |
Now, he’s trying to run. He knows that his food is coming
when he hears my voice and he bunts the bottle and latches on with no
assistance and drains every drop. He’s gained weight and is up over 13 pounds
and will probably join the flock once the weather warms up.
![]() |
"Lazarus" 3-4-17 |
I can honestly say…I certainly didn’t expect THAT!
(thankfully, in a good way this time)
The rest of the week passed in a haze of exhaustion, sore
muscles and lamb bottle preparation.
working lambs |
I know we did some other farm stuff (I did
get the farm taxes completed AND filed…YAY) but, I’m hard-pressed to remember
what else. We vaccinated lambs again and made a trip to town for rat-proofing
materials…and the Boss got the trailer vent repaired and put new mats in his
truck. This meant more than one trip to Mountain Valley Truck and Trailer Thanks, K & V!
Here’s hoping the
upcoming week is just a little less dramatic…make that a LOT less dramatic!
Have a Happy
after Tess' lamb-sitting gig she' taking it easy! |
Thanks for stopping by. Come back and “visit” again real
What a week! I am so happy that all your efforts in saving "Lazarus" ended with success.
ReplyDeleteAnd RATS! what a horror. I hope you are gaining ground on that front. I had no idea they would chew through the water lines like that.
I wish you a better week and milder weather. It is sunny but very cold and windy in CT this morning.
Thanks, Cheryl!
DeleteHope your week went well.
Oh my Barb - being a shepherd is hard, yet rewarding work! I too had issues with a ewe - she had a bad hernia that "exploded" into her mammary glands - basically her belly was dragging the ground after she miraculously gave birth to twins. Sadly, one was dead at birth - but we have one little firecracker ewe lamb we are bottle feeding. She is our pride and joy and we thank her momma every day for giving her life. The vet came to put the ewe down the day after she had given birth. He said in all his years, he had never seen anything like it. Hope things begin to calm down you soon! God Bless!
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting, Tracy!
DeleteSorry I'm just now getting around to responding...
Yikes! It's always a little un-nerving when the vet says they've never seen anything like whatever you're experiencing at the time. I'm glad you were able to save the lamb.
Hi Barb - another update - just had to help one of my ewes give birth last night. The lamb's head was sticking out and the ewe just could not get him fully expelled. I checked to see where his legs were - but, then I just grabbed the lamb by his head and pulled. Momma shreiked and the lamb plopped out. I thought for sure he was dead - but he started moving his mouth and tongue - trying to breathe!! Thank the Lord - he was alive. About 45 minutes later - a pair of hooves was stuck in the birth canal - went in to help again - lamb was breach. I pulled her out and wiped her face and gave her to momma to clean. Both lambs were OK today - momma is still traumatized, but she is nursing them now that we have them jugged. God Bless!
ReplyDeleteGoodness! You've had a time.
DeleteHope the new family thrives after such an ordeal.
It's always something, isn't it?
Take care!
Hi Barb - well... my last seasoned ewe gave birth yesterday - another major issue. After being in labor for most of the day - I decided to go in and "help". I found a pair of hooves and started pulling. Could not find the head. Pulled and pulled - lamb was stuck tight. Momma was really struggling. Time to call the vet again! He came and gave her an epidural and pulled the stuck one out - it was dead. He pulled another one out - also dead - he found a third lamb and pulled her out - thank the Lord - she popped up her head and tried to look at us! We quickly got her cleaned up and once momma was feeling better - we gave her to momma and momma started cleaning her and soon was up and nursing her. I have to say this has been the most trying year for sheep so far! I was so thankful the vet was near and we were able to save my good ewe and her little ewe lamb. The dead ones were HUGE! My ram is also big - about 200 pounds. Only 3 more yearlings left to lamb - please pray for us! God Bless!!