
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday Walkabout 9-15

Everyone was talking about the weather this week.  It was up in the eighties with humidity and sunshine for days.

…but, when Saturday dawned, it was with clear, cool temperatures in the forties.  Wow!  What a change. That sense that fall is just around the corner can no longer be denied.

The change in the weather signals that it is time to get serious about cleaning up the garden.  

With the incredible weed growth this year, it is a relief to have the Boss put the bush hog on the tractor and take the first step.  Weeds of any size are no match for the bush hog…and all those spent green bean plants…they’re transformed into “organic” matter in just a few minutes.   While it’s not perfect…at least it doesn’t look quite so much like a jungle out there!  More clean-up is coming after the PTO on the bush hog is repaired.
What a mess!

bush hog in beans
spent bean crop in background, current crop in foreground

after running the bush hog through the beans

step one of fall clean-up complete
not perfect but not so quite so messy looking
Hoophouse work slowed down a little.  We’re waiting for some seedlings to get some growth before planting and then the tiny tiller needs some repair.  Who knew that ethanol gasoline wasn’t good for tiny tillers?  Well, I didn’t.  Parts were ordered and a repair job starts tomorrow. 

On Wednesday, we took a road trip.  And, I mean a road trip.  It took nearly the whole day. Gus, the new guardian puppy, is from Gretna, VA. That’s on the other side of the state, past Lynchburg.
the ONLY building in Forks of Buffalo
(it's for sale!)

I'd never seen tobacco growing before

What's a trip through the mountains without following
a log truck for miles?
The Boss and I had never been to that part of Virginia.  It was interesting to see new and different places, but we were both so glad to be on this side of the mountain again!  There is no place like home.
Sugarloaf in September

Gus made the trip in fine fashion.  He didn’t get sick, have any accidents, or even cry (very much). When we arrived at the farm, he just made himself right at home, although it remains to be seen how all the other creatures will adapt to him.

Gus heading for the hill

what a face!

Gus meets Ellie Mae

the pic is blurry, but TOO funny not to share
Sissie took one look, climbed a tree and howled!

For Market this week, we may have had the most vegetable variety of the year.  I really like when the vegetable stand is full of beautiful, fresh vegetables!  The customers were in a buying mood (something about that fall nip in the air…) and we had a very good day.

facebook collage of our offerings

But, actually, what makes a good day at the Market is not necessarily lots of sales…no, it’s that human interaction that makes the Market so very special.

The particular week, one of our youngest customers brought me a gift.  Last week, her mother bought this enormous pepper and the little customer saved the seeds and brought them to me to plant for next year. It's so cool that she gets the whole seed planting/growing/harvest thing.  She also brought me an autographed picture.  Later she came back to show me that she wore her “vegetable-y” shirt…since she was going to the Farmers’ Market. That just made my morning!

Later, one of our grown-up customers brought me another gift.  The owners of the toy store downtown brought me this...
‘cause it looks JUST like me.  Look…she even has a little vegetable basket and two little dark-faced lambs!  I have always thought that Pufferbellies was the most amazing store (I only wish I could buy all the cool toys! ...or maybe I wish I was about 5, and someone would buy them for me!) but, that was a touching gesture of friendship and I truly appreciate the kindness. Thanks, y'all!

All in all…a good week on the hill. 

the cool weather will probably curtail the okra harvest
With 43* on the thermometer this morning, I’m off to find the blankets…and the winter clothes…it's time to think ahead toward cooler days and frosty nights. That means we're rapidly approaching "preparation season" (getting ready for winter). It certainly wasn't much of a summer season.

Guess that means Boss will be organizing his annual “wood-stacking party” soon. The woodstove keeps us warm throughout the cold winter months. I hope y'all got that hint, kids. (Papa's birthday request is the same for this

Finally, I just have to share this picture.  The other night when the UPS man delivered a package up at the lane, all the lambs walked up to look at him.  They just stood there, waiting...maybe one of them ordered something...I just don't know. They eventually gave up their vigil and went back to grazing.

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope you’ll come again.

Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Of course I shall come again Barbara, I love hearing about your way of life on the farm. Our wood pile grows daily and it needs to because once the colder weather sets in it disappears quickly on the wood burner doesn't it? Such a cuddly pup - love it. Hope all the other animals do too.
